Monday, February 26, 2007

What is Credit Report

The word " Credit " is a derivative of the Latin word “creditus” (“to believe”), is equivalent to trust. A person or an institution is giving you their services or merchandise and trusts that you will pay for these items at a later date.

Credit has become part of our daily financial transactions. As people make fewer cash purchases and rely more heavily on credit cards, debit cards, and automatic banking transactions, your personal credit history is linked to every purchase you make. Consumer credit reports are widely available from the three major credit bureaus – Equifax ( ), Experian, and TransUnion.

From electric and cable bills (non traditional credit reports ) to credit cards, vehicle financing, mortgages, personal loans, and even job applications, people are viewing your credit rating more often than the average consumer realizes. This is one reason is has become more important than ever to maintain a good credit history. Making payments on time, avoiding unnecessary debt, and keeping your spending under control are ways to ensure your good credit doesn’t become bad credit.

If you have damaged credit, the negative information can appear on your credit report for seven to ten years, depending on the type of debt incurred. There are ways to remove bad credit from your consumer credit report, but it takes time and effort by someone who knows what they are doing. If credit problems from the past are marring your good credit today, contact some credible credit repair companies to help you.
The word " Credit " is a derivative of the Latin word “creditus” (“to believe”), is equivalent to trust. A person or an institution is giving you their services or merchandise and trusts that you will pay for these items at a later date.

Credit has become part of our daily financial transactions. As people make fewer cash purchases and rely more heavily on credit cards, debit cards, and automatic banking transactions, your personal credit history is linked to every purchase you make. Consumer credit reports are widely available from the three major credit bureaus – Equifax ( ), Experian, and TransUnion.

From electric and cable bills (non traditional credit reports ) to credit cards, vehicle financing, mortgages, personal loans, and even job applications, people are viewing your credit rating more often than the average consumer realizes. This is one reason is has become more important than ever to maintain a good credit history. Making payments on time, avoiding unnecessary debt, and keeping your spending under control are ways to ensure your good credit doesn’t become bad credit.

If you have damaged credit, the negative information can appear on your credit report for seven to ten years, depending on the type of debt incurred. There are ways to remove bad credit from your consumer credit report, but it takes time and effort by someone who knows what they are doing. If credit problems from the past are marring your good credit today, contact some credible credit repair companies to help you.


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